Post-7DRL bugfix

EDIT EDIT: I sat down and got the cached-pathing update working as intended, so it's back up again and this post is now relevant again.

EDIT:  I took this back down. >_< Looks like caching the path information introduced a whole ton of new bugs. I'd rather the game be playable than fast, so I'm putting 1.0.0 back up until I have a chance to figure out what I screwed up.

I've published an updated version of the game, which addresses a few performance issues and minor bugs:

  • Game should run a lot faster, especially under Firefox where it was egregiously slow.
  • The engineer's status display and passive abilities work as originally coded, and no longer show a spurious "undefined" in the status bar.

Aside from that, this version is identical to the one published Sunday morning. I've got a bunch more changes I want to make to the game, but I'm holding off on anything I'd consider "functional changes" to the game until after the 7DRL judging is concluded. Mainly addressing the slowness was the focus here--  I left a bunch of things around pathing &c un-optimized in the 7DRL version, and I never noticed any substantial slowness since I was working in Chrome on a PC with plenty of RAM and CPU to burn. It's still not super fast, but just by adding a simple cache for pathfinding data instead of recalculating it for every monster every turn, I stripped out a substantial portion of the slowdown.

That said, if you are a 7DRL judge and you absolutely must play the unpatched version and spend a second or more waiting for every game turn to process, I've attached the original version as a download. It probably won't run directly in your browser, because of (totally correct) security restrictions your browser has in place to protect you. But if you run a node server in the directory you should be able to play the buggy version locally.

As for that post-judging, functional update, it will include a lot of minor quality-of-life updates and luxury features (like autotargeting and so on) that I'm already working on over here. A lot of players have complained about the lack of a "look" functionality; rest assured that that is definitely on its way. I fully intended to implement 'look' for the 7DRL, but as a luxury feature (not a necessity), it was low enough on my priority list that I just never got to it in time.

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